RVT Year 2025-2026
Self-Paced Online Responsible Vendor Training
Now in English and Spanish!
Our curriculum uses Universal Design for Learning guidelines. UDL is a framework to improve and optimize learning for all people based on scientific insights into learning.
We offer multiple ways to understand complex regulatory information in an adult course format. We are not a drag, drop, click, tick cartoon-like compliance program like many others. We break down the regulatory material into manageable units. Choose how you want to learn and how you want to express what you have learned.
We invite you to take a free "test drive" of our online program to help you make the best decision for your company.
We use a formate, which allows the attendee to choose audio, visual, and reading options, providing ultimate engagement to reinforce what you have learned.
Attendees will understand crucial MA regulations identified in 935 CMR 500.105(2)(b) and 935 CMR 501.105(2)(b) and any other issues identified by the Commission in order to provide safe and responsible sale of marijuana and marijuana products to the consumer.
By the end of the course the learner will be able to give regulatory examples of the following...
In a compliant marijuana establishment,
The employee will be...
The owners will be...
The customer will be...
The environment will be...
We offer five of the eight hours of required training. Per the Cannabis Control Commission, an establishment may train its employees in-house for the remaining three hours. This training may include your typical onboarding, product knowledge, metrc, or other topics related to an employee's position.
Sample Discussion Board Comments
The environment will be welcoming and encouraging to all who wish to participate.
Responsible vendors are helpful and conscientious of others.
I had no idea there was so much to learn. I cannot wait!!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Best RVT I've had so far
I have completed the training. I've been in the industry for four years? Now- that was the most in-depth and beneficial RVT I have experienced thus far. Thank you :)
Shhh, and the best part, I get to work with these lovely folks passionate about cannabis-Kristi Talagan RVT.
See how our complete service program works below.
Ensure safe access to marijuana!
You Do
Send us a list of employees and their emails to [email protected].
Give us a preferred start and end date for training.
Love our budget friendly price.
We Do
We will enroll, track, monitor, and communicate employees' progress in real-time through our shared database. You will receive time and date stamped certificates for your files upon completion. You can be confident that your training information is up-to-date and can be shared upon inspection. We make it easy.
They Do
Upload ID
Sign attestation form
Pass quizzes and final with 70% or better
Receive five training hours
Receive a Certificate upon completion
Apply understandings to the workplace
Example Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
- Introduction and course information
- Unit: Intro What is a Responsible Vendor? Out-educate your competition!
- Unit 1. Licensing and Sanctions-Making the right calls is vital!
- Unit 2. Rhode Island Cannabis Businesses: Go behind the scenes!
- Unit 3. Checking ID and Preventing Diversion: No one likes a fake!
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
For More Information On Our Budget Friendly Program
Go to the "Contact Us" button at the top of this page
Or contact us at [email protected]
Call us at 781-429-7540